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Exchange rates

26.03.2025 buy sell
AEDAED 4,3231 3,5979
AUDAUD 1,7567 1,6720
BGNBGN 1,9641 1,9109
BYNBYN 3,2900 3,0000
CADCAD 1,5700 1,5075
CHFCHF 0,9738 0,9360
CNYCNY 7,9625 7,4762
CZKCZK 25,1575 24,2406
DKKDKK 8,6147 7,5119
GBPGBP 0,8500 0,8200
GELGEL 3,0190 2,8109
HUFHUF 399,0000 384,5000
IDRIDR 18950,1231 14705,5569
ILSILS 4,6598 3,7807
ISKISK 165,5011 129,5969
26.03.2025 buy sell
JPYJPY 164,0000 157,0000
LKRLKR 298,2500 217,7500
NOKNOK 14,7221 12,0516
NZDNZD 2,1102 1,6979
PLNPLN 4,1815 4,0929
RONRON 5,0851 4,7653
RUBRUB 94,2000 85,6000
SBPSBP 0,9981 0,8215
SEKSEK 12,3540 11,3294
SGDSGD 1,5281 1,3529
THBTHB 36,6871 35,0150
TRYTRY 39,9840 36,9410
UAHUAH 49,9735 44,2115
USDUSD 1,0970 1,0270
VNDVND 28500,0000 23500,0000

Buying rate shows, how much currency must be paid to get one euro. Selling rate indicates, how much currency will you get for one euro.

Currency Exchange in Riga. Favorable currency exchange rates. It offers currency calculator Preferential rates for transactions of more than 1500 EUR.