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Exchange rates

21.12.2024 buy sell
AUDAUD 1,710169 1,623102
BGNBGN 1,965596 1,900200
BYNBYN 3,480000 3,150000
CADCAD 1,520951 1,454996
CHFCHF 0,954654 0,914495
CNYCNY 7,698229 7,204611
CZKCZK 25,403721 24,413134
DKKDKK 8,614741 7,500000
GBPGBP 0,846740 0,816127
GELGEL 2,942936 2,719050
HUFHUF 414,000000 397,000000
21.12.2024 buy sell
ILSILS 4,485432 3,603630
JPYJPY 165,000000 157,000000
NOKNOK 14,721851 12,056272
PLNPLN 4,278632 4,183068
RONRON 5,089059 4,766444
RUBRUB 105,700000 95,800000
SBPSBP 0,998951 0,823045
SEKSEK 13,042911 11,862396
THBTHB 36,020307 33,759008
TRYTRY 35,877160 33,439314
UAHUAH 47,469510 43,009150
USDUSD 1,062135 0,997009

Buying rate shows, how much currency must be paid to get one euro. Selling rate indicates, how much currency will you get for one euro.

Currency Exchange in Riga. Favorable currency exchange rates. It offers currency calculator Preferential rates for transactions of more than 1500 EUR.