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Exchange rates

22.02.2025 buy sell
AEDAED 3,986000 3,550800
AUDAUD 1,688000 1,600500
BGNBGN 1,964500 1,910900
BYNBYN 3,400000 3,090000
CADCAD 1,511500 1,448800
CHFCHF 0,963400 0,925900
CNYCNY 7,692300 7,194200
CZKCZK 25,323700 24,378000
DKKDKK 8,614700 7,515900
GBPGBP 0,843900 0,816300
GELGEL 2,954900 2,745500
HUFHUF 404,000000 388,000000
IDRIDR 17850,000000 14705,000000
ILSILS 4,337600 3,503000
ISKISK 165,000000 135,000000
22.02.2025 buy sell
JPYJPY 160,000000 152,000000
LKRLKR 298,250000 217,750000
NOKNOK 14,722100 12,051600
NZDNZD 2,110000 1,700000
PLNPLN 4,178200 4,087000
RONRON 5,081000 4,706400
RUBRUB 97,000000 88,000000
SBPSBP 0,998900 0,822600
SEKSEK 12,723500 11,669300
SGDSGD 1,493200 1,310400
THBTHB 35,518500 33,405000
TRYTRY 37,215100 35,008600
UAHUAH 47,460800 43,050400
USDUSD 1,065100 1,004500
VNDVND 28000,000000 23500,000000

Buying rate shows, how much currency must be paid to get one euro. Selling rate indicates, how much currency will you get for one euro.

Currency Exchange in Riga. Favorable currency exchange rates. It offers currency calculator Preferential rates for transactions of more than 1500 EUR.